Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancakes

Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancakes - header - ourdailybalance.wordpress.comIt’s International Pancake Day and you better believe I’m celebrating!

I love breakfast. I hear about those people who “forget” to eat breakfast, or who have to make themselves eat something before heading out the door in the morning. I am not one of those people. Not only is breakfast a necessity for me, but traditional breakfast foods are also among my favorite dishes. Pancakes are especially nostalgic for me. I used to love waking up on weekends to find my dad in the kitchen, ladling batter onto a warm skillet. To this day, it’s still a special treat when I’m back at my parent’s house.Making Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancakes - ourdailybalance.wordpress.com

But, “grown-up” that I am, I can no longer count on Dad for my weekly pancake fix. These days, I’m working on becoming a pancake extraordinaire in my own right. For me, the perfect pancakes need to be moist, fluffy and flavorful. I try to incorporate healthy, wholesome ingredients, without compromising on taste. I’ve tried a lot of different recipes, and these Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancakes are some of my favorites. They’re moist, with rich apple cinnamon flavor and healthy to boot!

By making a few sneaky substitutions, like swapping almond milk for buttermilk and applesauce for oil, I’ve cut both calories and fat from this recipe.  And, adding greek yogurt both gives these cakes a great consistency and adds protein! Win-win!

Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancake wet ingredients - Making Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancakes - ourdailybalance.wordpress.com

I never know when a pancake craving might hit, so I always like to have some premade dry mix on hand. This recipe makes enough dry mix for several meals, and breaks down the wet ingredients needed for a single batch. Each batch makes about 6-8 pancakes, so adjust accordingly.  So, print this recipe card, find a jar to store your dry mix and you’ll be ready to make a pancake breakfast (or dinner) at a moment’s notice!

Bon Appetit!

A bite of Apple Cider Pancakes - ourdailybalance.wordpress.com

Whole Wheat Apple Cider Pancakes Recipe - ourdailybalance.wordpress.com