In just a couple of weeks we will be saying goodbye to Chile. If there’s one thing I’ve learned time and time again in my life, it’s that things almost never go to plan. The more I have learned to embrace that, the happier I have become. It’s been a slow learning curve. I still long for control. I still cling to the illusion that I can plan my way into certainty. But, each time those plans get ripped from my white knuckles, I am learning to relax my grip just a little bit.
When we moved here last February, it was for a specific job and a specific period of time. We didn’t know exactly where we’d move next, but the idea was that we’d finish out our 2 years in Santiago, and then I would transfer back to a role in the U.S. and start to “settle down” a little bit.
But, just a couple months after moving here, the company I work for went through a re-organization and I found myself in a completely different role than the one I’d relocated for. A role, it turned out, that I really liked. 9 months after that, my boss asked me if I’d be open to another move, this time to Europe. It took me by surprise, but I agreed to talk it over with Matt. Switzerland wasn’t in the plan at all, but we felt pulled toward the opportunity. After much deliberation and a few sleepless nights, we decided to take the leap. We found ourselves stepping, once again, toward uncertainty. This felt simultaneously terrifying and right.
In the book Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert challenges the reader to live “a life that is driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.” She asks us to let go of the notion that we must move in a linear path toward a singular passion in our lives, and instead urges us to be led forward by curiosity, even if we don’t know where the path leads.
So, in the midst of fear and doubt, that’s what I tried to do. Fear had me paralyzed, but curiosity was leading us toward Switzerland. So, we said yes.
It’s bittersweet, this move. On one hand, I am so incredibly excited and hopefully for what’s to come. I truly believe that God is calling us toward this next adventure. In a lot of ways, living in Geneva is a dream come true. For two people who love the outdoors and travel, Geneva is perfectly situated near the Alps and in the center of Europe. To be moving there with a job and a company I love makes it all the sweeter.
But, of course, there are sacrifices too. We’ll be cutting short our time in Chile, saying goodbye to people and places that have become dear to us during our time here. We’ll be extending our time away from our loved ones back in the U.S. The biggest challenge of living abroad, far greater than any language barrier or culture shock, is being far from the people you love. We didn’t take lightly that this decision would mean being an ocean away from those who mean the most to us. Our friends and family are everything to us, and we’re so grateful for their constant support.
We’re learning, though, that home is so much more than just a dot on the map. It doesn’t have to be defined by a single place or time. It has the capacity to expand, if you let it, so that’s what we’re doing.
We know it won’t always be easy, but we’re moving toward what’s next full of hope and confidence. Hope for all the ways we will grow, and all the lessons we will learn. Confidence that the bonds we have with our family and friends are so much stronger than any physical distance.
Change is scary, but when you let go of your plans, you make room for possibilities you never could have dreamed of.
So, ready or not, here we go.
Beautifully written, Lauren. I love you!
So exciting!!! I LOVED Zurich (the only part we visited), but I’m sure the rest of Switzerland is just as beautiful!!