Wake Up With Yoga – Start Your Morning With These 6 Poses

Wake Up With Yoga Sequence-  ourdailybalance.wordpress.com

Disclaimer: I am NOT a morning person.   It’s not so much that I can’t get myself out of bed in the morning, it’s just that I really don’t like it.  But lately, I’ve been trying to ease myself into getting up earlier, so I can have some quiet time to myself before my day begins.  It’s amazing what a difference it makes to my stress levels throughout the day, when I have some time to focus on me before immediately diving into the pile of emails that have made their way into my inbox overnight. Continue reading “Wake Up With Yoga – Start Your Morning With These 6 Poses”

Honey Almond No Bake Granola Bars

Honey Almond Granola Bars - ourdailybalance.wordpress.com

If you’re anything like me, you probably ate way too many delicious munchies during the Super Bowl last night. Somehow, I managed to sit within arms reach of a tub full of homemade pretzel bites, and I couldn’t resist taking a few passes at the Dunk-a-roo dip I brought along. But, never fear! One night of snacking need not derail your entire week, so let Monday be a fresh start. Continue reading “Honey Almond No Bake Granola Bars”

Lighten Your Load: Why You Should Pack Light On Your Next Vacation

The Inca Trail. A first hand lesson in the benefits of packing light.

I took my first trip abroad when I was 17. It was an 8 day school trip to Rome, Italy. I made the usual preparations – learned some basic Italian phrases, skimmed through travel guides from the library and completed the pre-work for my class. Anxious as I was to take my first international flight and become immersed into a foreign culture, the thing causing me the most anxiety the week before the trip was the packing. Continue reading “Lighten Your Load: Why You Should Pack Light On Your Next Vacation”

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Why You Should Try It

HIIT logo

The concept of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) isn’t altogether new, but this workout style is getting a lot of buzz lately, and for good reason. HIIT topped the American College of Sports Medicine’s recent list of the top fitness trends for 2014, and it’s popularity continues to grow.  Studies on the benefits of incorporating HIIT into your workout regimen abound. Read on to learn more about what HIIT is, why it’s effective and how you can start making it part of your fitness plan. Continue reading “High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Why You Should Try It”

It started in low, then it started to grow: How Boston Became a Real Life Whoville.


It’s no secret that the tales spun by Dr. Seuss are popular from more than
just their whimsical rhymes and colorful illustrations. The stories, which he tells
with such great flare, always leave us with a lesson. They warn against being
too wasteful, too greedy or too lazy. They urge us to try new things, to believe in
ourselves, and to use our imagination. While the lessons themselves vary, there is an underlying theme throughout Seuss’ works: the perseverance of the human spirit. We see it time and time again. Seuss’ characters stay the course, rise above adversity, and triumph in the face of evil.

Perhaps you will say that such triumph is just for storybooks. Continue reading “It started in low, then it started to grow: How Boston Became a Real Life Whoville.”